Monday, December 16, 2013

The shortest distance between two people

Victor Borge said laughter is the shortest distance between two people. I think a light-hearted smile is the kindest thing to offer a stranger. A smile signals all is well and you are not a threat. It invites a reciprocal smile. Smiles open the door for greetings, meetings, and laughs. Laughs open doors beyond your grasp, if you make the most of them.

Today's tip: Smile at strangers! If all that happens is the person looks down and keeps walking, you have still made a positive impact. It is a no-lose proposition. Their spirits are lifted and yours are too. Think of it as paying it forward. You are setting others up to have a more positive interaction with the next, unsuspecting person. So, c'mon. Show the world your pearly whites (battleship grays or corn yellows).

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