Tuesday, December 24, 2013

3 non-tech ways to expand your network

Need to expand your network? Maxed out on social media efforts? Try these three non-tech ideas:

1. Cary five cards in your pocket each day and force yourself to meet five people to give them to. This gets easy after a few days of practice.

2. Take a class. Find a community class that would have the kinds of people you want to meet, and sign up. While there, be open about wanting to network with this group. They will be complimented that you think highly of them.

3. Volunteer to speak. Contact the local chamber of commerce or the Rotary Club and volunteer. If you have a topic that people would find interesting, tell a group about it. Service groups are always looking to bring in a speaker who has something interesting to share. In your message, make clear you want to keep in touch and pass around a sign in sheet to capture emails. And of course, leave your card with as many as you can.

If you have created a strong elevator speech, that is a great way to begin talking in each of the above three. Haven't made one yet, easy to do. Go to www.elevator-speech.org

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