Tuesday, December 17, 2013

5 ways to start a chat.

Seems silly. You want to meet someone but don't know what to say. Fact is, it really matters little what you say, just saying anything usually works fine. But we use this lame excuse of not knowing what to say so we don't have to extend ourselves beyond our safety zone.

Here are five things to say.
1. Talk about them. Notice their smile, tie, umbrella, whatever and say you like it. Any reference to them works. Do they remind you of someone. Say so.
2. Talk about the surroundings. Is it cold in here? Say so. Or ask if they are cold. The old stand by here is to mention the weather. There's a reason this has become trite: it works!
3. Talk about yourself. Having a really good day? Own it. Tell someone else. I bet they will ask why, and bam!, you are in a conversation. Then you can ask how their day is going.
4. Ask for a favor. Do you know what time it is? Can you tell me where a good (insert ethnic choice) restaurant is?
5. Be blunt. If all else escapes you, be blunt. Start with "I'd really like to talk to you but don't know what to say... Has that ever happened to you? Funny thing, huh?" or similar.
You might practice one of these techniques each day for a week. Soon you will be over the misconception that you don't know what to say to start a conversation. More times than not, you will succeed in initiating a chat.

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