Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Power of the Card

How can an elevator speech help me prospect for my business? Simple, at the end of the conversation, tell your name and offer your card. Remember the rule of reciprocity? They will offer their card in return, unless they don't have one. When it is not offered in return, ask for it. Most times, you'll hear the"I just ran out" excuse, but then they will tell you or you can ask for their Facebook, gmail, twitter, LinkedIn or similar online identifier.

Capture contact information and details about the conversation and person immediately after. Consider an app on your phone that allows you to dictate such things to.  Later, you are primed for the next step: follow-ups.

As soon as you can, send a follow-up email out to your new acquaintance. Oftentimes, a simple message like "It was nice to meet you today at ____" is enough. Now you are in contact with someone that you have already warmed up to and who knows what you can do for them. Congratulations, you moved someone from stranger to your network.

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