Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy New You!

New Years bring new opportunities. A few years ago, a participant in the elevator speech workshop, Steve Builta, took the time at the end of the year to reflect on his professional life over the prior 12 months. Then, he sent out messages to those who were influential, helpful, or simply appreciated. What a great idea!

Taking a few moments to process the year in review helps us focus on what is working for us. This in turn will help us do more of these activities in the year to come. But my friend Steve took it a critical step further. He sent out thank you notes to those he felt deserved one. I know this because I was a recipient. When I discovered I had done something that Steve thought so much of, I called and asked him out to lunch. Hey, when someone tells me I made them more money than anything else that year, my reaction was, "Oh, tell me more!"

Because in my class that year he discovered his true voice and learned how to comfortably offer his elevator speech more often, he grew his business. I was glad I could serve him. And as with most things in life, the rule of reciprocity comes in: he helped me too. I learned from Steve the importance of taking time out to learn from the year behind me.

But the real breakthrough was that Steve followed up. His note to me led us to another meeting, and ultimately, several more business interactions over the next few years that benefited both of us. Lesson: thanking those who helped us this last year is another networking boon. People want to be the hero. Why not help give credit where it is due? It may help them and you become a new you in the new year.

By the way, Steve is an excellent mortgage broker and worth having on your team when you are buying real estate.

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