Friday, December 13, 2013

Life is a Series of Presentations!

This is the title of a book by Tony Geary. It is also a philosophy to live by. One way to think about who you are is to consider who you present to the world. You present yourself all day everyday. Granted most of these are informal presentations, like ordering lunch or saying hello to a colleague in the elevator; rarely do we have the chance to formally present ourselves.

If you buy my premise, then think about this: all else being equal, nature and the market favor the prepared. If you and a clone of you both moved through your days, but you took time to think about and prepare for all the informal presentations you make, and your dim clone did not. At the end of the day, you will have racked up many more contacts, prospects for future communication, and favorable presentations.

Once you decide you will make the best informal presentation, you can begin planning how. One great way to fast-track your ability to make a favorable impression is to join a speed networking or speed dating event.

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